Regular Meeting -- February 8, 2004
The Board of Directors held its regular meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, Texas, 78704, starting at 1:00 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Pam Latham (Oceanna), Secretary Owen McAleer, board members Miles Lewis and Lynne Thompson. Board members who were absent include Treasurer Tommie Reeves and Doug Mullins. Executive Director Bob McGarey was also absent. Guests in attendance were Gordon Placette and Elaine Dove.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting (January 11, 2004) were read aloud by the secretary and approved contingent upon the Executive Directors final review.
Oceanna reported that she had talked to Doug Mullins and that he has resigned from the board due to time constraints.
Oceanna reviewed the action item list:
1. Oceanna reported that she read the Consensus Booklet and handed out a written report. All other action items will carry over to the next appropriate meeting.
Bob: Check with Nonprofit center regarding Consensus Vs Robert's Rules--Next Meeting
All Board Members: Read Bylaws and email comments to Oceanna--One Month
All Board Members: Email ideas for long-term Center development to Oceanna--One Month
Miles: Post request for volunteers to clean up Center from 4-6--Next Meeting
Oceanna: Create and send message to membership regarding annual meeting--Feb., 13, 2004
In Bob's absence, Elaine Dove, administration assistant, gave a report.
Peace Conference: Elaine reported that not much was happening due to staff shortage.
Grant Writing: Not much happening in this area due to staff shortage.
Property Tax Issue: Elaine reported that this is taking most of her time. Currently our application for an exemption is still under consideration. Our consultant, Martin Mercado, still thinks we will be successful, but the county is scrutinizing our paperwork and correlating it with IRS records. We have cited Seton Cove as a similar non-profit organization. Most likely the process will involve an onsite visit.
General Business: Elaine reported that Bob's bookings are increasing and that general business for the center is growing.
Art Barn: Gordon Placette addressed the board asking for permission to move forward with his proposal to donate some labor and materials to fix up the Art Barn. He requested that the board give him direction in how the board would want the Art Barn changed. It was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the board approves Gordon's proposal in principle only, and that the details will be worked out later. Oceanna agreed to bring details of Gordon's remodeling plans to future board meeting. It was further
RESOLVED, that Gordon would work through and with the supervision of an ad hoc committee called the Art Barn Planning and Renovation committee. Pam Chambers will be the Chair and Lynne Thompson will be a committee member.
New Vice President: Owen nominated Miles, but due to time restraints, Miles respectfully declined.
Nominating Committee: Oceanna appointed a nominating committee consisting of herself as chair, Owen and Pam Chambers as members. The first meeting will be held today after the board meeting.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 2:45 pm.
Minutes submitted by Owen McAleer, Secretary, February 14, 2004.