Regular Meeting -- February 22, 2007
The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 9:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Pam Latham (Oceanna), Vice President and Treasurer Pam Chambers, and Secretary Kathy Lee. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present at the meeting.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the September 29, 2006 meeting were read aloud and approved.
Nonprofit Center Suggestions. Oceanna reported on a conversation she had with Sandy Duncan at the Nonprofit Center. She said that Sandy said that the board is pretty well indemnified, as long as we act with loyalty to the Center (don't act out of conflict of interest), obedience (don't knowingly disobey any laws), and due care (we maintain oversight on what is happening at the Center).
General Updates. The Oprah project is coming along, although more slowly than Bob would prefer. Our bingo income is pretty good at the present, and it has allowed us to pay all our current bills. We're anticipating, however, that well need to be repairing the central A/C, purchasing new Macintosh computers for our internet work, and sending Bob to Lake Tahoe for a fundraising trip. Pam has been very helpful recently, and the brochure is very nearly done, since we received a wonderful logo from Larry and Rebekah Spector over Christmas.
New Associate. Bob suggested that we start looking into the possibility of approving Robert Gardner as a new associate at the Center. The Board decided that it was a good idea to explore, and that it would be good for all the board members to get to know him better.
Best Practices for Nonprofits. Bob read aloud the Best Practices for Nonprofits statement, and discussion followed. It was decided that at our current stage of growth, probably the only item that is of interest and/or concern for us would be ensuring that every board member is aware of our Conflict of Interest policy. So in compliance with the Best Practices statement, the Conflict of Interest policy was read aloud to the board members.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 10:50 pm.
Minutes submitted by Kathy Lee, Secretary, February 22, 2007.