Board of Directors

Annual Membership & Board Meeting -- March 10, 2024

The Board of Directors held its Annual Membership meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Kim Pillsbury, Secretary John McGarey (by Zoom), Treasurer Penny Chambers (by Zoom), and Oceanna Latham (by Zoom). Robert McGarey (Executive Director), Lia Nelson and Sammm Younse were also present at the meeting.

Annual Membership Meeting

Eight members were present for the Annual meeting, constituting a quorum of the current membership. Place 3 and Place 4 in the Board membership came up for election this year. Kim and Oceanna respectively were re-elected to those positions unanimously.

Annual Board Meeting

All board members were voted in to keep their same positions as follows: Kim Pillsbury Vice President, John McGarey Secretary, Kathy Lee President, and Penny Chambers treasurer. Bob was elected as bingo chair person which requires him to take an approx 8 hour training every 3 years. 

Conflict of Interest Policy. The Conflict of Interest policy was read and no members had any conflicts to report.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud and approved as read.

Executive Director's Report

Bob reported that we have a 100k key employee insurance policy if Bob dies, so we can continue on with the Center's work. It costs $53.43 per month with Midland National. He also has a 2k accidental death and dismemberment policy thru Velocity. We got a $5k bingo check in Feb and the Lottery Commission said they have to give us more, so we just got another 5k

We have distributed the bingo funds so that we now have 9k in mortgage fund and 10k in repairs fund, as well as $2700 in our regular acct (not bingo related). We have to pay 21% in corporate tax from what we made from bingo out of our regular account. 

As of next payment our mortgage will be down to the high $160k's.  We've been paying an extra $1500 per month which we've been using the bingo money for. So we've been knocking down $27k per year and more because we pay less interest every month.  We just started paying more principal than interest. Insurance is $7-8k per year, with salaries, utilities and supplies are coming out of regular acct. Penny might look into getting permission for having the bingo money go toward insurance and utilities.  

Crystal is all moved in to the garage apt and she loves it. She's attending activities and doing volunteer work. She oversees repairs as well. She also may have friends to help with wheelchair sales. Created list of chairs that are in good enough shape to sell.  She has taken over Good wheel chairs for her volunteer hours. 

JR got a new AC unit tor the cottage. We bought new computers with the repairs fund since the others couldn't connect to the internet. Lia and Kathy are clearing out stuff not needed for Creativity Cove. We can rent 2 10x10 spaces and still have a 3rd for the residents. There is a shortage in town for artist spaces per month. Could rent for $200-$250 each. We will only be renting it to members. The residents can use the 3rd space for free which is included in their rental agreement. 

Sammm is getting caught up on the financials but is slow moving due to the trauma she faced dealing with the squatter while Bob was out of town. And also Bob has been extended in many directions so he hasn't been able to help.  So they are caught up only thru 2022. Since she was supposed to have the 2023 financials done by today's board meeting she won't get $200 a month again until then.   

We have been exempt for Property taxes but now everyone has to reapply for exemption. Bob submitted the application. After a significant amount of back-and-forth, we got re-approved as property tax exempt.

The center has less attendance on events since Covid. Bob hasn't been able to shmooze as much due to AHP and his mom's book release. Bob wants to get more air filters $400 each to make it easier to have more in person events without having to be worried about who is vaccinated. He may or may not change the vaccination policy if he does this. 

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:30 pm.

Minutes submitted by John McGarey, Secretary, March 10, 2024.