The membership and Board of Directors held their annual meetings at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:11 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Tamara Vogt, Secretary Pam Chambers, Treasurer Penny Chambers (by phone), Ann Carson (by phone) and Laine Morales. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present at the meeting.
Of the 20 current voting members, seven were present (the above Directors plus Robert McGarey), constituting more than a 10% quorum. The members unanimously elected Penny Chambers to place 3 of the Board of Directors. Ann Carson declined to accept the nomination to continue in Place 4 because of the difficulties she has been having getting to the meetings, so Place 4 will be vacant for the time being. Since there was no further business, the annual membership meeting was adjourned and the Annual Board Meeting began.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud and approved as read.
The Board elected Kathy Lee President, Tamara Vogt Vice President, Pam Chambers Secretary, and Penny Chambers Treasurer. The Conflict of Interest statement was then read aloud, as we do every annual meeting. We noticed that Penny has to sign the policy. She will print out and send it back.
Rent. As directed at the last meeting, Bob increased the rent to the Cottage. Richard was dissappointed, but expected it. Sabrina's rent for the Garage Apartment is not being raised as she pays her own bills. Richard signed a year's lease and Sabrina signed a 6 month lease. Oceanna will continue at her current rent.
Finances. The electrician is charging us $65 an hour instead of the original $75 quote, so that's good. However, the total looks like it's going to be just shy of $7 grand. Bingo will bring in from $3000 to $5000 in April, so we could pay some of it off. Penny asked if we could pay some of it off and then set up a payment plan. We also need to get the stairs on the Garage Apartment lit, before something happens, but the board is reluctant to pay the electrician to do it, since we already owe him so much. So Tamara looked up solar lit movement-activated flood lights.
Car. There is around $2000 work needing to be done on the car. Only $500 to get it road legal. The board talked about the possibility of a donation of a car from some kind of organization. So Bob got Kathy to volunteer, if she has time.
Life Insurance. Bob proposed that the Center get life insurance for him, payable to the Center so that if he were gone, the Center would have some options financially. He suggested $100,000 life insurance at payments of around $50 per month. He asked for input from the board
Kathy said that $50 a month sounds OK to her. Tamara talked about Global Relationship Seminars and how the leader had an exit plan, but when he died, there was no one who could step up and take his place. So Global disappeared in a short time.
After extensive discussion, Tamara proposed that we go with $100,000 for now. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.
Penny wants the survey put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:30 pm.
Minutes submitted by Pam Chambers, Secretary, March 18, 20102