Annual Meeting -- March 18, 2018
The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Secretary John McGarey (by Zoom), Treasurer Penny Chambers (by Zoom), Lia Nelson and Kim Pillsbury (by Zoom). Robert McGarey (Executive Director), Sunney Keathley, and Sally Ramirez were also present at the meeting.
Of the 25 current voting members, five were present, constituting more than a 10% quorum. The members unanimously re-elected Penny Chambers to Place 3 and Lia Nelson to Place 4 of the Board of Directors. Since there was no further business, the annual membership meeting was adjourned and the Annual Board Meeting commenced.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud. The following changes were suggested: The minutes were then approved as amended.
Items that Repeat Annually. Bob read the Conflict of Interest policy aloud and asked for board members to disclose any possible conflicts of interest. No one had any. Then the Board re-elected Bob as Bingo Chairperson. Bob announced that the Center has a life insurance policy on him with Midland National Insurance, to help it continue in the event that he is not here.
Renters.Kathy announced that one of our renters is late. The board decided to begin 30-day eviction process with him.
Solar Panels. There is $10k in the bank donated specifically for solar panels The solar panels are $22k We would also have to do the following Trim one tricky tree One person can do this for $475 Bob is proposing the center pays $5000 from our bank The board discussed how much money the solar would cost and earn Bob says 80-85% of our electric bills would ideally be covered by the solar. Here's how it would probably turn out:
March 168%
April 160%
May 111%
June 78%
July 55%
Aug 4%
Sep 3%
Oct 104%
Nov 101%
Dec 77%
Proposing 28 panels = 10Kw. Guessing based on Austin web suggestions of how much it probably costs for 750KwH its $275/mo We will continue solar discussions via email We don't have final numbers for how many panels because it depends on how they trim the trees
Heroic Journeys Institute. Bob showed the logo, which is great! HJI is a project of the Center, its educational and professional outreach arm. Bob will be doing workshops to corporate businesses and professional audiences and online.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:35 pm.
Minutes submitted by John McGarey, Secretary, March 18, 2018.