Annual Board and Membership Meeting -- March 19, 2017
The Board held its Annual Meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Secretary John McGarey (by phone), Treasurer Penny Chambers (by phone), Lia Nelson and Kim Pillsbury. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present.
Of the 20 current voting members, six were present, constituting more than a 10% quorum. The members unanimously elected Kim Pillsbury to Place 1 of the Board of Directors. Since there was no further business, the annual membership meeting was adjourned and the Annual Board Meeting commenced.
The Mission Statement was read aloud. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud and approved as read.
The Board unanimously elected Kathy as President, Kim as Vice President, John as Secretary and Penny as Treasurer.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The Conflict of Interest Policy was read aloud. All board members were given an opportunity to disclose any conflicts and none were mentioned.
Bingo Chairperson. Robert McGarey was re-elected to the position.
New Buildings. Ben Heimsath has been consulting with us about building new buildings. He informed us that it would take $200K to $300K just to get the infrastructure (such as pecmitting and a holding pond and plumbing) in place, and that's before any building could even begin. He discussed various alternative options such as selling off part of the property, but none of them sounded acceptable to the board. He also said that if we get one permit, then we have to get them all and become fully compliant. He also clarified that a Certificate of Occupancy is not something we have to have before doing business; rather it's what we get after the final inspection and approval of the work done based on a permit. So no permits, no need for a C of O.
Renter Engagement. We've been thinking more about renters since last meeting. After more discussion, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, we won't renew their lease if they aren't up to date on their responsibilities at the beginning of their renewal month. In addition, if they are 2 or more months late on those responsibilities, we will convert their lease to month-to-month and raise their rent by $125, and if they become 4 or months late we well terminate their lease.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.