Board of Directors

Annual Board and Membership Meeting -- March 20, 2022

The Board of Directors held its annual Board and Membership meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting by Zoom: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Kim Pillsbury, Treasurer Penny Chambers, Secretary John McGarey, Oceana Latham. Executive Director Robert McGarey was also present at the meeting.

Membership Meeting

Of the 15 current voting members, 6 were present, constituting more than a 10% quorum. The members unanimously elected Kathy Lee to Place 5 of the Board of Directors and John McGarey to Place 6 of the Board of Directors. Since there was no further business, the annual membership meeting was adjourned and the Annual Board Meeting commenced.

Election of Officers

The Board unanimously appointed Pamela Latham (Oceanna) to fill the vacancy in Place 4 that was left when Lia Nelson resigned as of last meeting. The Board then unanimously elected Kathy as President, Kim as Vice President, John as Secretary and Penny as Treasurer. Robert McGarey was also appointed as Bingo Chair.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Conflict of Interest Policy was read aloud. All board members were given an opportunity to disclose any conflicts and none were mentioned.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from November and January were read aloud and approved as read.

Executive Director's Report

Repairs. Bruk will do plumbing under the house (and eventually finish Bob's bathroom), also will seal squirrels and mice out of the roof area (possibly Tim will do that).� Tim is the new fixit person. �

A neighbor has contacted Bob (in past and more recently) interested in living on the property because he may be losing his rental, as some of the houses around the Center will be torn down and replaced with apartments/condos.� Kim suggested Bob invite him to the Tuesday night BBQ and invite him to other Center functions to see if there's any reason to consider him as a renter on campus.

Operations During Covid. Austin is still in stage 2 for covid, and we will not be having in person meetings indoors, even with masks. Samm and Earl will take fast covid test to come work on inputting financial data with Bob present to work with them.

finances. Sonny from Bingo thinks we'll get another $5k end of March. Bob showed finances to the board via screen share.. Bob talked about a general budget and how to use part of the $73,700 in the bank and informed the board about what the staff had decided including repairs and improvements (some to avoid future damage and others to improve quality of life), mini-splits, bathroom parts, and $10,000 reserve.

HPC Property. Bob consulted with a consultant and showed the board a survey of the HPC property and talked about options for adding new living locations on the property.� The HPC is zoned as leased office (aka an office space) �so we don't have the same restrictions as single family homes.

There were several options discussed to add more places to live and work.� Some involving possible financing.� Penny and John would like to investigate options in much more detail before pursuing any of the �options with financing.

Optionally for a large 2-5 million dollar project we could subdivide the property so that a group of small single family homes could be added to the campus possibly with driveways and other features. Penny suggested parking spaces at the SE corner of the property with walkways could save money and not be eyesores.� The financing could be gathered by the consultant for a fee from future profits. �Board seemed to like the idea of aquiring the financing ourselves and keeping the future fees.� John was concerned that if any future consultant fees are entertained, they be contingent on percentages of our actual profit not any sort of fixed amount.

Bob is going to proceed with exploring these options. Meanwhile Penny has not heard back from The Community first! Village outside Austin to get their recommendation re: the most cost efficient and sturdiest building (tiny home, manufactured home, RV).� She suggested Bob and Kathy go out for the tour which is very interesting and the tour guide could either answer the question or refer them to someone who would.

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:18 pm.

Minutes submitted by John McGarey, Secretary, March 20, 2022.