Board of Directors

Regular Meeting -- April 18, 2010

The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 1:15 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: Vice President Tamara Vogt, Secretary Pam Chambers, Penny Chambers (by phone) and Carol Hintz. The following directors were absent: President and Treasurer Kathy Lee. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present at the meeting.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud and approved as read.

Executive Director's Report

Finances. Bob talked in detail about our finances, given that the Spring Fling did not produce anything near the kind of income that Dylan had originally projected. He covered the situation with bingo, our mortgage and our balloon payment. Penny suggested that we ask the bingo hall manager to give us a prediction about our finances in the future for bingo. Bob said he has plans to increase sales in GoodwheelChairs and ask people personally for donations.

Interns. Bob then discussed interns. Penny suggested that we set a deadline for getting interns into the cottage and garage apartment, since that will produce reliable income on an ongoing basis. So we set May 1st as a target date to rent the cottage and June 1st as a deadline for renting the garage apartment. Penny suggested we could rent the apartments out to general renters, and Bob said he really wants to try renting to interns first, and general renters only as a second resort.

Tamara suggested that we could list the internship and rental openings on UT bulletin boards. Pam said we need to make a list of the job requirements for interns. Bob asked Tamara if she could send a notice out to her Global Relationship contacts, and she said that seemed possible. Bob said that TANO has an academic program in nonprofit management, and Penny suggested that we could have one of those students as an intern. We could also check in with UT's MBA program to see if they had anyone who might want to do an internship on grant writing and/or fundraising.

Volunteers. Penny suggested that we get a volunteer to pick up the pediatric wheelchairs. Bob said it was difficult for him to manage volunteers, given all the other stuff he's doing, and so Carol volunteered to be an interim Volunteer Manager who would work with to get our volunteers organized.

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm.

Minutes submitted by Pam Chambers, Secretary, April 18, 2010.