The Board of Directors held its annual meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Tamara Vogt (by phone), and Treasurer Penny Chambers (by phone). The following directors were absent: Lesleigh Ellinger and Pam Chambers. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present at the meeting.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud. The minutes were approved as read.
It was announced that Pam Chambers was in the hospital on February 8th when her heart stopped, and she died on February 11th. So her position on the board is now vacant. The following officers were elected unanimously: Kathy Lee President, Tamara Austin Vice President, Penny Chambers Treasurer, and Robert McGarey Secretary. Robert McGarey was also elected as the Bingo Chairperson.
Center upgrades. The Center bought a new lawnmower and electric edger, both of which are great and have allowed us to make the Center's grounds look MUCH better. We've had two Center Spruce-Up days so far focusing mainly on the Art Barn, which is now in much better shape than it was before. There has been a lot of turnover in volunteers, and some of them may actually work out!
Renters. Lia Nelson has signed a month-to-month lease for the Imaginary Room starting June 1st and is moving in now. The Board discussed some positive options for the renter of the Garage Apartment.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 3:45 pm.
Minutes submitted by Robert McGarey, Secretary, May 17, 2015.