Board of Directors

Regular Meeting -- June 19, 2011

The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:25 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President and Treasurer Kathy Lee, Vice President Tamara Vogt, Secretary Pam Chambers, Penny Chambers (by phone) and Laine Morales. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) was also present at the meeting.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud and approved.

Executive Director's Report

Finances. Bob went over the financial statement and talked about the bingo income he expects for the upcoming quarter, which should be around $1500.

Volunteers. Stella had to leave to get a part time job. She will be going to St Ed's and needs the extra money. Courtney's son Max has been volunteering during the summer in the yard and helping Pam in the Art Barn.

Kate, a carpenter volunteer, fixed the door on the part of the garage apartment. Bob wants her to insulate the Art Barn, but we will have to wait until we have sufficient funds.

He has finally gotten the javascripts and Applescripts working well enough so we're finally able to post our events monthly on numerous web sites. Because of Lia's help, the calendar was ready ahead of time. He has been able to put everything on all of the sites ahead of time. The 2 people who came to the workshop yesterday found the info on Holly's Hot Happenings. So we are now more visible due to these placements than we have been in the last 7 years, and possibly more visible than we have ever been. Also, the 2 new people who came to the Saturday Video found it on MeetUp, so this is really huge to our marketing

Compass Bank has stopped their free checking accounts. So Bob has started a Compass for your Cause, which gives us free checking and gives us $50 for each new Compass Bank account our members link to our acount.

Pam stupidly agreed to contact Randy to find out if he can figure out why the center's Facebook page doesn't show up when people search for the Center.

Tamara talked about how she hasn't called the utilities co. because she is waiting until she knows that the bill show the difference between before the leak and after the leak was fixed. Bob says that the bill came in and he can see a difference, so Tamara can go ahead and call the Electric. Bob will get Tamara authorized to talk for the Center.

Bob talks about the volunteers he has found on He found a man who is really advanced in Javascript in India who has been working with Bob on the programming of the current events.

Bob will have to do the 990s before August..

Bob will be gone two times in July, once to an AHP board meeting in Asheville and to Flagstaff for a family reunion for a week.

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:03 pm.

Minutes submitted by Pam Chambers, Secretary, June 19, 2011.