Board of Directors

Regular Meeting -- June 19, 2016

The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Secretary John McGarey (by phone), and Kim Pillsbury. The following directors were absent: Treasurer Penny Chambers and Lia Nelson. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) and visitors Travis and Holly were also present at the meeting.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous March meeting were read aloud and approved as read. We then did the Temperature Reading (a la Virginia Satir) and decided it might work better when there has been a lot of interaction to report on. We'll do it one more month and if it's not clearly beneficial we'll stop doing it.

Executive Director's Report

Coneference. The September conference is coming along well. We've got a number of committees that are forming and hopefully will be effective in pulling it off.

Finances. We changed David Blackwell's status from an independent contractor to an employee to reflect his actual tasks. Bob pointed out that we are $900 in the red this month, and that's mainly because of one-time expenses for maintenance like installing a new mini-split air conditioner ($800) and resurfacing the driveway ($100).

We decided it would be smart for us to create a prioritized list of projects to spend money on when it's available, since this would create a more specific vision and some additional enthusiasm. Our homework is to think about things around the Center that are important so we can make up our list next meeting.

Plumbing. There is a sewage leak underneath the building that's attracting roaches and threatening the structure. The board approved hiring a plumber to repair it. We would also like to get a shower installed in the middle bathroom instead of the tub that is subsiding, but we're not sure we can afford it or get that done prior to the conference.

Meetup. It's growing great. There are 477 members as of today. We may have over 500 next month.

Youtube. The idea of making YouTube videos out of our conferences and workshops was mentioned and the Board liked the idea.

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:30 pm.

Minutes submitted by John McGarey, Secretary, June 19, 2016.