Regular Meeting -- July 15, 2012
The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Tamara Vogt and Secretary Pam Chambers. The following directors were absent: Treasurer Penny Chambers and Laine Morales. Robert McGarey (Executive Director) and Fritz Vogt were also present at the meeting.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting were read aloud. The following changes were suggested: The time of closing the meeting would be 4 pm, instead of the existing 3pm. The minutes were then approved as amended.
Volunteers. Chris Jamison is doing great programming. Stephanie is doing great with the member activities and she's doing calendars into the future 3 months ahead. Stephanie will leave for Dallas unless she finds a job in Austin. We would like for her to stay and continue volunteering here as she is priceless. She has people coming to the clay activity when no one has been to it in 2 years. Christine Rose is leaving in a month and besides the social media work she's done, she produced a great book cover for Bob's book. Met with a guy on the 13th who will do maintenance on the wheelchairs and scooters, like changing batteries etc.
Mortgage. Bob is continuing to explore options for co-signers for the mortgage. He and Penny have been discussing banks with the lowest rates of refinancing.
Finances. There will be no bingo revenue for this quarter. Bob would encourage everyone to help get people into our workshops. Due to the reduction of personal growth clients and no bingo, we will need to fill our workshops with as many people as possible. Also encourages new clients. And GoodWheelchairs. Fritz asks Tamara if anyone at the school where she works could use a wheelchair. Then Tamara suggests calling all levels of school counselors for all Austin schools, to let them know that we have chairs and scooters for their students.
IRS Reports. 990s are right around the corner, and Bob will be spending a lot of time on them!
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 3:58 pm.
Minutes submitted by Pam Chambers, Secretary, July 15, 2012.