Board of Directors

Regular Meeting -- July 17, 2022

The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 2:30 pm via Zoom. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting by Zoom: President Kathy Lee, Vice President Kim Pillsbury, Secretary John McGarey, Board Member Oceana Latham. Executive Director Robert McGarey was also present at the meeting.

Reading of Mission Statement and Approval of Minutes

The board read the HPC Mission Statement aloud.ÊBob readÊaloud minutes from May 22 2022 and also minutes from Mar 20 2022 (since they were not read at the May meeting) and the board approved of those minutes as read.

Executive Director's Report

Board responsibilities. Bob reminded us that the board has to monitor and account for activities and vote on policies

financials. Bob addressed the progress on the bookkeeping by Sammm and Earl and all of last year has been done and next meeting (September) the financials should be available. Sammm seems to be particularly doing an amazing job with great dedication and achieving a lot in the process.ÊBob has been adding $400 each month to the payments to the principal on the mortgage. Two renters are leaving this month, so that will decrease our monthly income by about $500 per month.

Calendar. The calendar has a new format which is a great improvement and allows you to add events to your personal calendars. This is in part a result of the work Bob has been doing with AHP on their website and he is looking for ways that his connections could benefit the center while appropriately maintaining his role there as well.

Solar Panels. The solar Panel inverter has been out for a month and they are supposed to come fix it tomorrow. They took a while to come out and a while to get the parts.

GoodWheelchairs. Things are not great right now so we are actively looking for someone else. Gary Gilbeaux is traveling the world. David is working it for $300/mo but is relying on Bob a lot to do the work.Ê

Bingo is going great. Sonny the manager is taking care of things and we will probably get another $5000 of support.

Repairs. Regarding repairs to the bathroom Tim replaced the tub and shower in the cottage and is doing the other work but it is slow going. He also has a theory about the leak in Lia's closet. Ê

Items for Discussion

Anomaly Archives:. ÊMiles Lewis founded the Anomaly Archives and we are considering allowing the Creativity Cove to be partially repurposed to be the footprint of the Anomaly Archive. The board read the email that Bob received from Miles. The board wondered how much space it would take and whether it would impact Lia's creativity and Lia suggested this idea. The board thought that they should send someone to participate in the center's activities just like they would if they were a renter, and that the $430 that was mentioned in the email was likely not enough and that $600 would be a better number. Kathy and Bob will meet with Miles about getting more information.

Coverage for the center. Bob is taking a vacation to a family wedding and then to Portland and then to a Virginia Satir conference in LA, Sep 3-21 and Nov 2-15. During November Lia will be here and Kathy can come house sit during September. Ê

Regarding coverage for events the board would like to expand beyond just Bob's workshops. Are there other events the board could introduce during those weeks that Bob is gone? Kathy suggested her own Getting To Know You event. Attendance via zoom only is way down and our social media person isn't available. We decided to announce that Bob is on a national speaking tour and to fill in with other events where possible. Possibly Oceana and Lia and or Kathy.

Tiny Homes. Kathy and Bob are going to visit Community first. The tiny homes that they found do not seem durable and there are a number of other options that we can consider including sheds. Under 400 square feet there are no zoning restrictions and Larry is investigating that and the city of Austin real estate division if you have low income housing which may mean that city of Austin would pay us the difference. Ê

Alternatively we could do nothing with adding homes for now and spend our money on further repairs and improvements to the center and keeping some money in the bank in case opportunities present themselves, the board generally liked that idea and decided that is the plan for now.

Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 4:10 pm.

Minutes submitted by John McGarey, Secretary, July 17, 2022.