Regular Meeting -- August 10, 2003
The Board of Directors held its regular meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, Texas, 78704, starting at 1:15 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Matthew Riley, Secretary Owen McAleer, board members Miles Lewis, Doug Mullins, and Oceanna. Executive Director Bob McGarey was also present. Treasurer Tommie Reeves was absent.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting (July 13, 2003) were handed out and approved with minor changes:
1. In the executive director's report, in the Finance section, the third to last sentence should read "Bob agreed to call her to discuss getting a check for the amount over the $15,000 cushion.
2. In the New Business section, the entry should read, "A short discussion was held about organizing a retreat away from the HPC.
Marketing. Matthew reported that his prospect for help with marketing, Jim Brattenberg, has not made any decision. Miles suggested we post a job description list for volunteers and that maybe we could find someone to do the marketing on an intern basis with Jim Brattenberg mentoring.
Zoning. Bob reported that the zoning was approved, and now we need to complete the site improvements (parking lot and access ramp). Oceanna suggested contacting cement companies to see about obtaining left over cement.
Consensus. Bob discussed a book "Formal Consensus Decision Making" by C.T. Butler. It was decided that we should study the idea.
Finances. Regarding finances, it was decided Bob would write a letter to our Bingo accountant requesting that she send us $2,000 every month. Also it was reported that there were no sales made on the summer special. Bob also committed to having the P&L statements done by the end of the month. Doug offered to help with the financials and to work on the Meadows Foundation grant.
Repairs. A new air conditioner is being put in the above-the-garage apartment, and the Art Studio will get 220 electrical service.
Peace Conference. A lively discussion occurred about a new conference idea that Bob introduced: "A Peace Conference." Speaker ideas were discussed along with ideas to raise money for the event. It was decided that we would study this idea more.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:09 pm.
Minutes submitted by Owen McAleer, Secretary, August 23, 2003.