Regular Meeting -- September 19, 2004
The Board of Directors held its regular meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX, 78704, starting at 1 p.m. The meeting began with a reading of the Mission Statement. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Pam Latham (Oceanna), Vice President Pam Chambers, and Treasurer Kathy Lee. Executive Director Bob McGarey and acting Secretary Diane Luchild were also present.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting (August 15) meeting were approved with the following changes:
The minutes of the July 18 Minutes were amended to read: The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Also, Page 2 Paragraph 2 should read: "324% of Year-to-Date income" instead of "...of Forecasted income"
The Minutes of the August 15 meeting should read that "Bob's car" be struck and replaced with "Lia's car that is on loan to the Center." Approval of these changes was unanimous.
Board Retreat. Oceanna announced that the Board Retreat would take place on Sunday, November 21, 2004 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at her residence. Sufficient time will be set aside for the discussion of long-term planning and the fine-tuning of the Mission Statement.
Pam reported on the improvements made to the Art Barn, resulting in its looking better and better. Tom Viets will assist with clearing and further organizing its interior. Gratitude was expressed for volunteers who made the Open House/Art Show preparations much easier than in the past. Diane Luchild offered to send personal Thank-You cards to these volunteers.
Kathy stated that "We is doing fine."
Bob reported that due to other tasks which have required his focus, the Finance Committee did not meet this month. Financials were distributed and emerging trends were discussed. Credit card charges are not included in this expense report.
Signs. Bob was pleased to report that the new signs were made and installed.
Cottage. The electrical service upgrade to the cottage has been completed except for some minor touch-up work. Beginning January 1, 2005 INACS will begin renting the cottage at the rate of $400 monthly. Marcus, with a City of Austin Inspector will pull the existing meter and cancel the account. The electrical service to the cottage will be paid for by the Human Potential Center. Much renovation has been done; Kathy and Diane accompanied Bob for a walk-through the outbuildings.
Lia's Car. The car that was recently worked on is now leaking radiator fluid.
Open House. There were about 50 people who came to the Open House/Art Show. The date conflicted with Austin City Limits event, which could be one reason for a smaller attendance. He suggested researching our next planned event date with the Chamber of Commerce. There were no INACS people present at the Open House.
Postcards. Nearly 4000 post cards were sent out, many returned. The return process was an excellent investment, considering the expense of $875. So far, the visits to the website as a result of the postcard were low: only 15 hits.
Anomaly Archives. When the renovation of the garage is complete, the Archives will begin its move. However, we don't know when they will begin the renovation.
Oak Trees. An oak tree is infected with Ambrosia beetles, Bill is aware and said he would apply the treatment.
Board Membership. Bob said the Center is looking for new people to become involved, which led to him suggesting that Diane Luchild be elected to the board, filling Place 2 until March, 2005. Oceanna offered to run things through the nominating committee, but the Board members agreed that was not necessary, and that they could just vote. So they did, voted unanimously, then Diane raised her head from taking minutes and said OK. The Human Potential Center now has a full Board of Directors.
Board Membership. There is a need to fill the position of Volunteer Coordinator. Miles accepted the role, but hasn't had much time to do it, so there was work not being attended to. There is money in the budget available for such a paid position, $100/mo. Bob suggested that Diane fill that position and she accepted the challenge to "keep things moving and follow through with volunteer projects."
IRS Form 990. November 15 is the deadline to file the 2003 tax return. Bob has chosen October 15 as his deadline to get Form 990 ready, and that will allow him to have a full month to run it past the Nonprofit Center.
Oceanna: Set time & date for board retreat. COMPLETED
Bob: Send Thank you email to picnic participants. Next Meeting
Board Members: Read old mission statements. Next Meeting
Bob: Print out old vision statements. Next Meeting
Diane: Thanks to volunteers of postcard mailing and Open House. Next Meeting
Practitioner 1. Marcus and Tom Viets met to discuss the work that needed to be done on Practitioner 1. Tom has agreed to manage this renovation.
Lia's Car. Henry will be contacted about the radiator leak.
Summertime Board Meetings. Oceanna recommended that the Board meet less frequently in the summer time, and that there be a shift toward an increase in committee meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Diane Luchild, acting secretary, September 24, 2004,