The Board of Directors held its regular meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, Texas, 78704, starting at 1 pm and began with a reading of the mission statement. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Pam Latham (Oceanna), Vice President Pam Chambers, Secretary Owen McAleer, board members Kathy Lee and Diane Luchild, and Executive Director Bob McGarey.
Minutes of the previous meeting (September 19, 2004) were read, amended and approved as follows: on page one, second paragraph under approval of minutes, "Minutes" was amended to read "Meeting". On page two, under Executive Director Report, the second heading titled Board Membership was amended to read Volunteer Coordinator.
Oceanna reported that Sarah Jackson has resigned from the board. Oceanna stated that she would like to see other people involved in the HPC attend the board meetings.
Pam Chambers reported that more people are coming to the art barn activities.
Owen reported that we were denied a small business loan from Compass Bank, however we will continue with the plan of collateralizing a $10,000 CD to establish a $10,000 revolving credit account.
All board members should read old vision statements and mission statements before the board retreat on November 21 at Oceanna's house.
Bob announced that Tom has agreed to take over the chair of the repair committee. Bob discussed other items such as replacing or repairing cars, Lia's doing great as Executive assistant, Diane, as volunteer coordinator, is scheduled to go to a volunteer management seminar.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Owen McAleer, Secretary, October 30, 2004.