Regular Meeting -- November 15, 2009
The Board of Directors held its regular monthly meeting at 2007 Bert Avenue, Austin, TX 78704, starting at 1:34 pm. The following directors (constituting a quorum of the full board) were present at the meeting: President Kathy Lee, Vice President and Secretary Leslie Harvey, Treasurer Pam Chambers. and Robert Gardner. The following directors were absent: . Robert McGarey (Executive Director) and Dylan Burress were also present at the meeting.
The Mission Statement was read aloud at the beginning of the meeting. July, August and October Minutes were approved as read.
Postive feedback. Bob read a number of wonderful emails and letters which gave some very positive feedback about Bob and the Center. One included a generous $100 donation to the Center by the Reformed Congregation of the Goddess.
Honorary Memberships. Should we give honorary memberships, and, if so, to whom should we give them? What are the criteria? In the past Bob has given them to individuals who provide a lot of service to the Center. The Board decided that going forward we should continue to give the memberships, but on a case by case basis. Future memberships will be approved by the Board.
Accounting. Bob distributed the cash analysis reports. Annapurni has not been available due to pregnancy and moving, but they are almost up to date. We need to look at ways to bring in more income.
Bingo. The Bingo hall we've been investigating is still waiting on the Little League team to join, but Bob still thinks we have a 20% chance to get in. Dylan suggested the concept of Queer Bingo (going to gay bar to do Bingo) for GoodwheelChairs. The Board approved implementing a plan to move forward with Queer Bingo, provided more research is done and it makes financial sense -- we need to do a feasibility study.
GoodwheelChairs. Dylan has made many calls to various organizations and gone door-to-door to doctors to advertise and drum up interest in the program. We are now listed with Health & Human Services. He wants to go door-to-door to canvas the local neighborhood to let people know about the program and to solicit donations (for program or a toy drive). He's thinking of setting up a table/chairs at local stores (Walgreens, Sun Harvest, etc), getting us listed on 211, contacting churches, and other things. Leslie will find out if we can strike up a partnership with Meals on Wheels to get the word out.
Intern. Last week the Personnel Committee met to discuss Hannah's request that we renegotiate her contract & rental agreement. After presenting the committee several options it was decided that she would work 5 hours a week and pay $400/month in rent. The committee also decided that she might not be the best fit for Bob's request for a person who is more interested in transpersonal psychology, so we might be looking for a new intern over time. Kathy discussed these results with Hannah. Hannah has expressed that she is determined to do what she needs to do to stay and be a good fit for the Center. Robert Gardner expressed that Hannah would like to meet with the Board to discuss this issue.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at around 3 pm.
Minutes submitted by Leslie Harvey, Secretary, November 15, 2009.