
with Stephanie Turner

Viewed June 20, 2020

Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:


  1. When have I been able to admire someone for what they've done but not how they did it? (CUANDO ADMIRO A ALGUIEN POR LO QUE HIZO PERO NO COMO LO HIZO)
  2. What makes me afraid of confrontations, and how do I feel about that? (LO QUE ME DA MIEDO Y COMO ME SIENTO POR ESO)
  3. How do I respond to people around me who don't possess the same emotional or expressive toolbox? (¿Cómo respondo a las personas alrededor?)
  4. How do I be my true self even when people around me challenge who I am?
  5. What do I do when people have condescended to me about something that people merely assumed to be true about me?
  6. What are some times I'm most proud of when I've achieved something difficult?
  7. How do I deal with the feelings of rejection and being judged? (como trato los sentimiento de ser juzgado o de rechazo)
  8. How has an unexpected and/or "hurting" person helped heal me? (como me ayudo una persona a superar?)
  9. How has a positive outlook provided me with good things in my life?