Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:
- When have I not trusted myself when I should have?
- How can I be a better, more loving, affirming person?
- How have I found ways to be more supportive of myself and others, looking for the very best and focusing on that?
- How have I handled situations that disrupted my comfort zone?
- How can I find the key to my heart for companionship?
- What's the key to my heart?
- How can I be more sensitive to situations than are different from my way of doing things / my values?
- What have I really wanted that actually came true?
- How can I be more sensitive to the subtle patterns of love coming back to us when we put it out?
- How do I find the patience to find the proper language to use in unfamiliar situations?
- What gets in the way of me trusting that someone else knows what they are doing?
- How has adoption affected me?