One of the participants (Lia Nelson) offers the following description of her experience at tonight's discussion:
"The evening went smoothly for me, although there were some bumps that others commented on. What was so rewarding was to watch people catch themselves in some unconscious acts. I even caught myself denying that I have a habit of hiding my real self from my friends by being the "big ear". Sometimes I avoid sharing what's going on in my life by ignoring my needs and ONLY listening, and then I'm pissed when my friends don't give me the attention I want. When I can recognize the ways I block my natural rights from being seen by others, I'm on my way to enjoying life more.
"It was exciting to see that growth in action, and then to share it with others when we did our "highlights" at the end of the evening, because I got to get all that luscious validation. It was quite yummy. I felt an easiness and comfortable flow going on here as we shared some real life with each other. Thanks."
Here are the questions:
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