The Full Monty

with Robert Carlyle

Viewed August 17, 2024

Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:


  1. How essential is camaraderie to me?
  2. What would I be willing to do to make it?
  3. Who do I "bel/ong to"?
  4. What part of my sense of worth does my job give me? How important is the money/job for my sense of self-worth?What part of my sense of worth does my job give me? How important is the money/job for my sense of self-worth?
  5. How does shame control my life?
  6. In what areas do I think out of the box? How have I thought out of the box?
  7. When have I expected too much out of people instead of giving them understanding and compassion?
  8. How perfect do I need to be in order to be good enough? Who sets the standard?
  9. How ashamed am I of my body?
  10. How dependent is my value system on my economic stability?
  11. When has someone else's belief in me taken me to another level?
  12. What are the limits of what I would do?