Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:
- What have I missed out on by focusing only on work?
- How do I get the two of us to open up so we can be honest about our feelings?
- How do I "talk to" those who died?
- How have I wrestled with my feelings about people who died? Who won in that wrestling match?
- At this point, what are the big questions in my life?
- What does it take for someone to open me up to life?
- How do I feel about my roads taken and not taken in my life?
- How do I feel about the romances I've had and what I've done about them?
- What is this "season" of my life?