Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:
- How in my life have I changed a bad situation into a good one? [Cómo en mi vida he cambiado una mala situación en una buena?]
- How bad do I have to let a situation get before I'm willing to make a change? []Qué tan malo tengo que dejar que la situación se ponga antes de estar dispuesto a hacer un cambio?]
- How have I dealt with hopelessness? [¿Cómo me he enfrentado a la desesperanza?]
- What resources have helped me persevere in some of the hardest situations in my life? [¿Qué recursos me han ayudado a perseverar en algunas de las situaciones más difíciles de mi vida?]
- At what point in my life did I discover that persistence is a superpower?
- How have I persevered when money was tight?
- What helped me get through the times in my life when money was shortest?
- How do I feel when I don't have enough money?
- When people put me down, what do I do?