The movie was about a waitress who was a genius about creating and baking pies. In fact, the pies were so tantalizing that we stopped the movie mid-stream and sent a willing participant out to Marie Callendar�s for a blueberry cream pie, which was nearly decimated by the time final credits were rolling on the screen.
Because of the movie's main character's husband's jerk-y behavior, we spent the first part of our discussion talking about how we've handled jerks in our life (Questions 11 and 12), agreeing that getting out of relationships with people who seem like jerks can be extremely helpful, but also acknowledging that sometimes so-called jerks may have something to teach us about ourselves and our reactions.
Then we talked about what helped us change our lives and feel empowered (Question 9). Sometimes it was some hardship imposed by the circumstances in our life that seemed to give us no other choice but to change. At other times, a realization or insight from inside gave us the courage and empowerment that we needed in order to be able to change. Either way, the changes were often difficult. Nevertheless, they seemed to produce a much better life when we did them with consciousness and clarity.
(This video was reviewed by Bob McGarey)
Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie: